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Gwyn’s High Alpine comes of age

Like returning to a welcoming home after a long day, making our way into Gwyn’s High Alpine, my favorite on-mountain restaurant during my early ski-school years, felt just as welcoming.

Popping out of my bindings and pulling off my goggles, I would shuffle along in a clumsy little parade of boot-clad, snow-covered ducklings waddling in behind our instructor. I fondly recall the sensation of finally reaching the double doorway, the warm, yummy air and a welcoming smile from Gwyn herself that would often greet us upon entering as we habitually clambered down the stairs to collapse at our usual table.

This year, Gwyn’s High Alpine is undergoing a very substantial makeover that will be unveiled with the upcoming ski season. During its closing days last season, it paid homage to the early days of the restaurant with vintage prices and throwback parties. And as I roamed through the familiar spaces one last time in April and watched my son play with Gwyn’s grandson, the way my sisters and I had played with Whitney and Tracey decades ago, concern washed over me. Would this beloved icon lose its charm? Would it ever feel the same again? Continue Reading

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