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5 Most Iconic Snowmass Views

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No matter where you stand in Snowmass, there are truly endless views offered in all directions. Here, we’ve detailed the 5 most iconic views in Snowmass that you can’t leave without seeing. 


Spiral Point yoga platform at Rim Trail looking over snowmass

#1 Zen Views

The views reveal themselves gradually as you ascend the switchbacking Rim Trail. Then, upon reaching the marble yin-yang platform at Spiral Point, the Elk Mountains spread themselves in front of you in all their glory. Nearly 360-degree views include Mount Daly with its distinct diagonal stripe, the pointed cap of 14,137-foot Capitol Peak, and a panorama of Snowmass Ski Area. Click here for more information about the Rim Trail.


unique perspective of the maroon bells or otherwise known as heaven's bells

#2 Heaven’s Bells 

There’s nothing more iconic to Aspen Snowmass than the Maroon Bells — and a unique perspective on them can be found at the top of the Elk Camp chairlift. Presiding over the upper end of a glacier-carved valley like royalty, the twin 14,000-foot peaks top off a panoramic alpine view that also includes jagged summits, steep cirques and Snowmass’ rugged Hanging Valley.


Ditch Trail Color with view of mt daly

#3 Mountain Magic

The lookout point, just one mile into the flat and easy Ditch Trail offers major rewards for minor effort. Looking into the magical Snowmass Creek Valley, you’ll see a mosaic of aspen and evergreen trees dominated by majestic Mount Daly. It’s like you’ve discovered a natural fairy tale kingdom that begs further exploration. Click here for more information about the Ditch Trail.


rolling meadow on ski resort with aspen grove

#4 The Ice Age

While it’s fun to point out landmarks from a mountaintop, the view from Snowmass’ Sam’s Knob includes perhaps the most interesting story of all. Ringed by aspen trees and perched on a ridgeline, the nearly perfectly round lake below you is Ziegler Reservoir. Ziegler is the repository for thousands of perfectly preserved fossils of Ice Age animals, including mastodons and ancient camels, accidentally discovered by a bulldozer operator in 2010.


Western Skyline view in Snowmass

#5 Western Skyline

Between Snowmass and Aspen, Owl Creek Road winds up and over rolling hills and through a massive pasture with many sights to see. From the red barn, to the horses, elk and other animals that frequent the area, this is the picturesque western skyline you’ve been dreaming about. 


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How to Get from Snowmass Village to the Maroon Bells

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